One would expect that as our animals age that the signs of the years passing would show significantly on our furry friends. We beg to differ. Dynamite definitely subscribes to the philosophy that age is merely a number. Below are two such stories of horses that look better now in their later years than they did as young horses. How? Providing optimal, balanced nutrition through Dynamite products and protocols, that’s how. Fountain of Youth? You be the judge.
Moon’s Story
Current age: 27, owned by Dynamite distributor Jenny McKillip
I feel so fortunate to have owned my horse, Moon, age 27, for the past 24 years. I bought him as a 3 year old, and then he was my college rodeo horse putting up with me learning to rope even when he was still only a 4 year old himself. He was at my side through so many transitions in life – enduring a lot of moves back and forth from Walla Walla to the Seattle area, having more than a few tears cried into his mane, all the way through meeting my future husband, and babysitting both of our sons on his back. Looking back it’s hard to believe he looks better today at 27 than he did when he was 5 years old, when I fed him big brand feeds, not knowing how to read labels, thinking they were best. Well, the proof is in the pictures, and as they say, “when you know better you do better.” I switched him to Dynamite at age 13 and to this day, Dynamite is my best ally in keeping my best friend by my side feeling and looking amazing.
As the namesake of my training business MoonStar Farms, Moon has been one of the great teachers in my lesson program over the last 13 years. In addition to the trail rides we still enjoy together, Moon is currently packing small beginner kids around at a walk and trot. I rotate him between two supplement protocols. One is the foundation supplement Dynamite with add-ons of PGR and HES (calories), Free & Easy (joint support), MSM (joint and circulation) and Dyna Pro (digestive support). The other is the foundation supplement TNT with add-ons of PGR, MSM, and Dyna Pro. He also gets two SOD blasts a year to boost his immunity as we don’t vaccinate, as well as an Herbal Tonic cocktail 2-3 times a year in place of chemical wormers. This commitment to his wellness is the least I can do for a horse who’s done so much for me. I’m so grateful to Dynamite for ensuring Moon and I get to enjoy each other to the fullest for as long as possible.
–Jenny McKillip
Carbon’s Story
Current age: 29 (almost 30), owned by Dynamite distributor Teresa Lindner
Carbon is now 29, soon to be 30 in May of 2014. He is a 16 hand, Hannoverian TB cross. I have owned him for about 23 years.
Carbon has always been a larger-than-life type of energy horse, always sound, always happy, and always healthy, a bottomless heart and try. No matter what I’ve asked him to do, he’s given it his very best. The picture (above) taken in 1997 was right before I decided to make some changes to Carbon’s health and wellness. True, he had always been healthy; to this day he’s not taken a lame step. I had met my now mentor, Tracie Audette through my family and heard her talk a little bit about nutrition and I was intrigued. So, I began my Dynamite journey. Dynamite took a healthy, attractive horse and made him into what I believe to be a superhorse.
Today at 30, even despite living in Fairbanks, Alaska, where our temps dip to -30°F and stay there for months on end, Carbon is healthy, frisky, and holds a top-line despite the challenges of elder horse’s dwindling chewing surfaces. The second picture (above) is taken in 2009 at a horse show. I had pulled him out of the pasture, dusted him off, and hauled him out for one last dance at a local horse show. He walked out of each class with a blue, and I felt it was time to retire him completely from that job.
Last spring he was diagnosed with renal failure, and my vet estimated he might have a month left. I pulled out the Herbal Green, upped his MSM and changed his feeding plan, and he instantly improved. In a month his blood panel went from dire to that of a very healthy horse. This was a miracle in my world! For those of us who our horses and horsemanship is a way of life, and our art form, their health is a hallmark of our success. Dynamite has given me the tools to continually succeed in all of my animal’s health, no matter their age or job description. Carbon has been with me through all of my major life events. Caring for him in his elder years has truly been a gift to me, especially seeing him age with grace, and still be able to kick up his heels at 29, or meet me at the gate trumpeting for his breakfast, even during our frigid winters.
–Teresa Lindner
If you have a Dynamite Story you’d like to share with us, please send it to us here.
*The statements made on this page were given freely and are the sole opinions of the author. We always caution that one person’s experience is not a guarantee of results. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any disease. Dynamite Specialty Products takes a firm stance that our products always be used in accordance with the opinions and expertise of your trusted health care professional, doctor and/or veterinarian.