Corde, a 17.3h Holsteiner, is Transformed

Salt is a part of our everyday life. Our bodies need sodium to survive. However, the media says to cut down on our salt intake. What is the real story behind salt and our health? The problem isn’t really how much salt we are consuming but what kind of salt we are consuming.
If we could see all the ingredients of most common salts, it might surprise you! Refinery salt can legally contain up to 2% of chemical additives such as anti-caking agents, bleaches, conditioners and even dextrose (sugar).1 Others have been heat processed and stripped of their natural trace minerals.
NTM (Natural Trace Mineral) Salt is extracted from deep within the earth. This ancient reserve was once a sea that covered much of what is now North America. Over time the water in this sea evaporated, leaving the salt in a vast deposit in central Utah. A range of volcanoes erupted around the ancient seabed, sealing the salt and trace minerals from modern pollutants.
Drawing from this ancient reserve NTM Salt is mined, crushed, screened, and packaged – never refined, never bleached. Our salt is full of natural trace minerals and flavor – the way salt was meant to be savored. Taste the difference yourself. Try tasting NTM Salt and then any other salt. You will be amazed at the difference.
The pinkish appearance and flecks of color in NTM Salt come from more than 60 natural trace minerals including calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, copper and zinc. Regular “table salts” appear stark white because they have undergone harsh bleaching and refining.
But the questions still exist about salt and your health. We definitely encourage anyone that may have high blood pressure to consult his or her health practitioner or physician. We also find the following comment by health expert Michael Alderman interesting:
‘“I don’t believe there is any basis whatsoever for a public health recommendation for eating
any particular sodium content diet. A scientific problem ought to be solved by data. And there is no data.”’ 2
Naturopathic doctor Ann Louise Gittleman notes that “[S]odium is crucial for maintaining the health of every cell in the human system. It permeates the fluid between cells (often called the ‘extracellular fluid’) and potassium exists mainly on the inside of the cells (in the ‘intracellular fluid’)…If either of these minerals is deficient or in excess, cell permeability becomes compromised and the health of the cells suffers.
Besides being a component of extracellular fluid that bathes every living cell, sodium is important in two other ‘salty oceans’ in the body – our blood and our lymphatic fluid. It is also necessary for the production of hydrochloric acid, the digestive enzyme secreted by the stomach in order to digest protein. Along with potassium, sodium is required for the proper functioning of our nerves and the contraction of our muscles…
With the many crucial roles sodium plays, it’s clear that if we had no sodium, we would cease to exist.”3
Gittleman also notes that “[R]educing sodium too much can be just as harmful as consuming large amounts of it. Too little can cause spasms, poor heart rhythms, sudden death and even increase the risk of heart attack in hypertensive patients.” 3
There are health benefits of salt. But when selecting your salt remember the old saying “garbage in, garbage out”. The right salt is as important as the right supplement. Quality counts.
NTM Salt and 180 Protocol
The 180 program will help you lose weight, but do not neglect the other aspects of health as they all tie together. Along with 180, be sure to take the Dynamite Daily Foundation products. These supplements help to support the body’s vitamin and mineral needs, allowing it to crave less food and properly utilize what it does have.
Additionally, natural trace mineral salt (Dynamite NTM Salt) is the greatest alkaline-forming substance known; therefore, if a natural and better diet is undertaken in order to heal, it must include NTM salt. The absence of salt in the daily diet greatly hampers absorption of nutrients contained in foods and it renders them unable to function as natural healing agents. NTM salt is a living food, with its ionic and electrolytic properties profoundly anchored in its grounding crystals. Note: typical table salt is not advised on the protocol because it contains anti-caking agents and other additives (see page 9 for more about refined salt and page 8 for additional supplement suggestions).
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1. The Grain and Salt Society. “The Value of Real Salt”
2. Abigail Zuger, With Dietary Salt, What ‘Everyone Knows’ Is in Dispute, N.Y. Times, June. 9, 2001, at F1. (quoting Dr. Michael Alderman, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx and past president of the American Society of Hypertension).
3. Ann Louise Gittleman, N.D., M.S., Understanding Salt and Sodium, TOTAL HEALTH, Vol. 22, No. 2 at 42.
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