Carol H.—March’s Highlighted Distributor
This month’s distributor highlight is Carol H. who lives in Canada. Carol is a Director and has been a distributor since 2001. Her passion for Dynamite products gives her the strength to handle the challenging task of importing products to Canada. Here is what Carol has to say:
I manage the family indoor riding facility located about 30 minutes southwest of Calgary. We board 50 horses, of which 28 are stabled indoors and the rest are out in pastures. I was very fortunate to have a boarder come into the stable that used Dynamite products. Her name is Carrie Draudson and she became my sponsor. I was very impressed with how her horse looked and began the slow process of learning about the products and how and when to use them. I started out slowly only working with my own horses and trying various products. At that time it was fairly simple to import products into Canada.
As I became more confident with the products and how to use them I found that people came to me to ask what I was feeding, and this is how the business began to grow. I then expanded and started using the human products. Each step of the way I was amazed at how much better I began to feel.
Then BSE [Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, commonly known as mad cow disease] hit and the border was closed to many things. Trying to import product became really complicated. Dynamite worked hard to facilitate any way they could and I slowly began the process of determining which products could be imported and how to go about doing this.
It still is challenging at times to import product and the costs are always going up, but to me the products are worth it! I have learned how to bring product up in the most cost effective way: by the pallet.
My favorite Dynamite products have to be:
HORSES: TNT. I saw the most difference with this product and it is so sad that distributors in Canada cannot import this item.
HUMANS: 180 and Mega Botanicals. These two products are helping more people gain control of their bodies and give them the tools for healthy eating habits!
I feel that my business is successful because I totally believe in the products and use them. I love sharing information with clients to empower them to reach the best level of health that they or their animals can!
The best part about being a Dynamite distributor is that it is easy. If you use the products they sell themselves and the people that are ready to make changes will always ask for input.
Note: Currently 180 is not allowed to be shipped into Canada.