We have known Boogie, a 10-year-old Quarter Horse mare, for a few years now and each summer she develops severe allergic reactions all over her body. Her hair starts to fall out all over her body, her skin develops welts and sores, and she is understandably highly irritated and emotional.
In the past, vets have been used and shots have been given, but no relief came. The vet’s last suggestion (after shots didn’t work) was to sell Boogie to someone in Wyoming! This year as Boogie started to have allergic reactions once again, we took a different approach and created a Dynamite protocol. The results are AMAZING! She LOOKS dramatically better and with her eyes, body language, and attitude, she is telling us that she FEELS better. We’re sure glad we stuck with her and found Dynamite products!
Here is the protocol she is on:
- Balm* is massaged into any area that starts to show irritation
- Dyna Shield is sprayed on her to help with skin irritation and also to keep the insects away
- She is bathed with the Dynamite All Natural Shampoo
We initially also give her some homeopathic remedies to initially reduce the allergic reactions. Ledum, Galphina, Histaminium, and Apis Mellifica (all 30c strength) were all used. The dosage was 3-5 of each of these homeopathic Boiron “pellets” two times a day in her feed until all the pellets were used up (there are approx. 80 pellets in a container). We have maintained her on the protocol using the Dynamite products since then.
Her owner commented “Her face had almost no hair on it about two weeks ago, and now her face has grown almost 100% of the hair back, Dynamite is some seriously great stuff!”
Boogie is doing absolutely wonderful and looks great! I’m not sure words can accurately convey our sentiments and the dramatic night and day difference in Boogie’s life!
*Note that Boogie is kept in a stall. With Balm application watch for tenderness or potential blistering especially if your animal is exposed to the strong sun. This is due to the natural oils it contains.
Peter Lichau
Rose Gate Farm
Dynamite Distributor, TX
If you have a Dynamite story you’d like to share with us, please send it to us here.
*The statements made on this page were given freely and are the sole opinions of the author. We always caution that one person’s experience is not a guarantee of results. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any disease. Dynamite Specialty Products takes a firm stance that our products always be used in accordance with the opinions and expertise of your trusted health care professional, doctor and/or veterinarian.