The Human Foundation Program –
In 2002, after having horses since 1981, I was bucked off and landed on my tailbone on a hidden rock. I broke my L5 and my tail bone. I had several years of extreme pain from trying to lay down to sitting and walking. I also started having migraines which effected my ability to work. In 2012, I found yoga and an excellent chiropractor who took the time to help and was able to move without pain finally.
In 2014 I was kicked in the back by another horse ?. This time, I broke my L1-4, 3 ribs, and had a grade 2 spleen rupture which landed me in ICU for 3 days. I was able to walk out of the pasture and headed home myself- but as I started to pass out my husband and I decided to go to the hospital just in case. I was 7 weeks on my back, then at 8 weeks started back to work and several months after that before I got back to yoga. I had some severe life stresses and moved across the state by the end of 2015, and built a small cabin with my husband during the dead of winter! But the migraines (3-4/month) continued. I had a 2 year battle with sleeplessness, no energy and was so stiff and sore I looked and felt like a 90 year old crippled woman. Even trying to stand and walk when I had been sitting for 10 minutes, had me unable to be productive.
After seeing the transformation with my dogs on Dynamite products (because we always seem to treat our critters better than ourselves), I decided to try the Dynamite Human Foundation Pack. Within one week I started sleeping more than 4 hours/night, and even if woke up was able to go back to sleep!!! That in itself was HUGE!!! Within the month I had NO migraines, wasn’t sore muscled or stiff in my joints and had energy! Not wild and crazy energy, but enough that I felt like I could breath and was at peace and could get things done!
I have tried OTC vitamins, and specialty vitamins as well… I never felt a difference, in fact most time I felt worse. And I really tried for a good month (at one time during a specific diet- 9 mo!) and I could hardly make it through the day. Dynamite products, with their minimal processing (so you actually GET the vitamins, minerals and enzymes you need- vs the over processed, chemical based ones) have proven to me they make a huge difference!
“I started with 1 am/pm for about 10 days then upped to 2 am/pm and that’s where I’ve stayed. I did run out for about 3 weeks??? and within 10 days I could hardly function! I had the migraines come back, NO energy- just wanted to curl up and do nothing, and was getting sore again. I hadn’t realized how awful I had been feeling before and really didn’t realize HOW vitamin and mineral deficient I am/was!! Never again will I be without!”
Valerie Haverfield – Dynamite Distributor
Indianland Mtn Dogs