Our Strong Foundation
I had a friend ask me the other day what I do for a living. After giving her an abbreviated elevator speech, she asked with intrigue, “What should I feed my dog who is always itchy?” I instantly launched into my diatribe about how diet is the number one cause of inflammation and that she needs to consider not only the food quality, but also the nutrients. And, of course it all starts in the gut, so I mentioned that. Then she asked about the products, and by the time I was done explaining she thanked me and dropped the subject altogether. Honestly,
I think I lost her by dumping too much on her at once and not offering a simple solution. “We are not a typical direct marketing company.” We’ve made this claim many, many times over the years as we try to explain our product line, and the fact that we manufacture most of what we market. And, it’s true, we are unique and proud of it! But, one area where we probably should be more like other direct marketing companies is with regard to marketing strategies that are easily replicated. This has been a major concern voiced from our reps, we’ve listened to these concerns, and are excited to announce a new program that we will be introducing!
This year, the team at Dynamite set out to create a simpler path, starting with our founder’s vision 35 years ago—the FOUNDATION. It’s so simple, yet overlooked so often as we get distracted by symptoms we’re trying to fix. The Dynamite philosophy of looking at nature’s “cures” means that no matter what the issue is, it likely stems from a nutritional building block that is missing. Do we always know which one? Sometimes, but not always. That’s what makes the foundations so great! We provide the nutrients that you would get from food if the soils still contained them. And most importantly, those nutrients are balanced with each other AND in a form that will either be used or flushed out if it is not needed. For example, if a health issue is stemming from a copper deficiency, the Dynamite foundation program is providing that element, but if another person taking the same supplement doesn’t need copper, their body simply excretes it.
Going back to the exchange with my friend, if you have been a Dynamite rep for awhile, you know the frustrations that are encountered as you convey information. We have so many products, each of which have wonderful traits to be excited about! But, this also creates a very long selling cycle, as each unique person enters the business for their own reasons, loving their own set of products, and teaching their own set of information. Quite often, reps that have been with us for years will learn about the foundation line long after using all the other products because we haven’t made it easy to start at the foundation.
Well, without further ado, we have made it much easier for you to introduce this foundation concept to the people around you in a much simpler way—Foundation Packs! See page 10 and 11 of this newsletter to learn about each one. Now when you meet someone and they say, “Your dog looks amazing! What do you feed him/her?” You will have a simple, concise solution to introduce that person to our products. Whereupon, they can quickly begin seeing the healthy results in their own dogs.
We are unapologetically a different company, and we always will be. At the same time, the more clearly we can introduce our products to others in an easily understandable manner, the quicker we can fulfill our mission to improve the lives of those people and animals.
Yours in health,