Parasite Control: Balance vs. Eradication
By Gold Executive Director, Judy Sinner
Parasite control is all about the immune system. Consider the possibility that animals have parasite overloads because they are unhealthy, that worms are not the first cause of the health problem.
A healthy immune system fights off parasites and is actually stimulated by the presence of a small number of parasites. Healthy animals have fewer parasite challenges because their balanced systems do not support large parasitic colonies. Keeping your animal’s immune system healthy and simply managing the parasite load is key.
To avoid or limit the use of chemical dewormers, I recommend the use of Herbal Tonic™ as an excellent way to assist in parasite control. It is NOT a dewormer (in the chemical sense) but is filled with traditional vermifuge herbs used for centuries to control internal parasite infestation and is used in conjunction with the Dynamite Foundation Program, which in and of itself, does a great job of limiting parasite overload. In short, balanced nutrition leads to better parasite control.
Option 1: 7-Day Protocol
The moon affects the tides of our bodies, hydration levels, and fluid levels. Worms become more active and shed eggs during the full moon so it’s the perfect time to feed Herbal Tonic. Three days before a full moon, when parasites are most active, begin administering 2 ounces of Herbal Tonic twice daily (or the Parasite Cocktail below once a day) for 7 days. If you miss the full moon window of time, just do the best you can for seven days or consider the 28-day protocol.
Option 2: 28-Day Protocol
For a full month, administer 1 ounce of Herbal Tonic daily for 28 days. This can be done at any time during the month.
One of the best and easiest ways to give your horses Herbal Tonic is by using Judy Sinner’s Full Moon Parasite Cocktail (now available in a money-saving pack). It includes Excel (digestion catalyst), Miracle Clay (detoxifier) and Dyna Pro (pre-biotic) to support the entire process of deworming.
For a 1000 lb horse combine:
- 2 oz Herbal Tonic
- 1 oz (dry) Clay
- 1 tsp Excel
- A squirt of Dyna-Pro
Mix into well-soaked grass hay pellets and feed once a day for 7 days over the full moon. Start 3 days before and end 3 days after, so both waxing and waning phases are covered along with the actual full moon.
During the feeding of Herbal Tonic (or parasite cocktail), stop all other supplements no other vitamin or mineral supplements are needed.
The first time you feed the “cocktail” they may not like it. After about a day, however your horse will dive into it. They will feel your energy that this is good for them and it will help them. Adding a shredded carrot is always helpful.
We also would recommend no horse shows, stress, work, etc. Let them heal and take it easy this week.
At the end of the 7-day (or 28-day) protocol, return to the Dynamite Foundation products and add one teaspoon of Excel daily for digestion support.
Deworming frequency depends on your particular geographic location. It is not necessary to worm in the winter when eggs and worms are frozen.
It might take up to 2 years of chemical-free feed, optimum minerals, detox work, and holistic methods to get the conventionally-fed, oft-dewormed, and vaccinated horses “up to speed” where their bodies can effectively deal with parasite challenges on their own.
What about Deworming my dog or goat or…? Does herbal tonic only work for horses?
We sell Herbal Tonic labeled for horses and one for dogs. For large animals use the dosage indicated on the equine packaging.
The parasite “cocktail” for dogs, cats, and other small animals will only consist of top-dressing their food with Miracle Clay (approximately 1 teaspoon dry), Dyna Pro and Herbal Tonic. Please see canine packaging for proper dosage by weight.
When deworming a heavily parasitized animal, always start slowly and work your way up. A massive parasite die-off can release too many toxins into the animal’s system at once. How do you know if they are heavily parasitized? It all goes back to a fecal egg count. This is always step one.
The true goal of parasite control in horses (and other equids) is to limit parasite infections so animals remain healthy and clinical illness does not develop. The goal is NOT to eradicate all parasites from a particular individual. Not only is eradication impossible to achieve, the inevitable result is accelerated development of parasite drug resistance.
For more information about ordering Herbal Tonic, please contact your independent Dynamite distributor or visit our website at
*The statements made on this page were given freely and are the sole opinions of the author. We always caution that one person’s experience is not a guarantee of results. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any disease. Dynamite Specialty Products takes a firm stance that our products always be used in accordance with the opinions and expertise of your trusted health care professional, doctor and/or veterinarian.