Support your immune system to stave off
spring allergies.
Change in activity, sleep patterns and the heightened chaos of springtime, can take a toll on our immune system, leaving us prone to spring allergies and summer colds. Now is the time to support your immune system nutritionally.
Sometimes you just need a reminder to treat yourself well, starting with boosting a few critical nutrients so you don’t succumb to allergies:
1. Dynamite Foundation Products—Stress is a nutrient sucker, so make sure to fill the reservoir and maintain a consistent level of nutrients for when the need arises. One very easy way to get a baseline of trace minerals is to add Elixir™ to your morning juice (preferably fresh-squeezed). Of course, maintain your daily foundation nutrients with DM Plus™ and Tri-Mins™.
2. Hiscorbadyne® (pronounced “HISS-CORE-BAH-DINE”)— You know how citrus and other vitamin C-rich foods are the go-to cold fighting foods? Think of this product as super-enriched orange juice! Formulated with bioflavonoids, which are potent, plant-derived antioxidants, Hiscorbadyne promotes circulation, enhances the immune system, increases capillary strength, and stimulates bile.
3. SOD—This proprietary formula of targeted minerals assists a person’s immune system to build, repair, and stabilize itself. It consists of zinc, copper, selenium, and manganese chelated to immune-specific amino acids. For children, you can open a capsule and put ¼ to ½ of the tasteless powder contents into apple sauce. Do this once a day, for 10 days to boost immunity.
4. Mega Botanicals—This great tasting “super food” contains chlorophyll-rich super greens, digestive enzymes, immune-enhancing mushrooms, herbs, probiotics and powerful antioxidants. The combination provides natural energy as well as foundational, pH-balancing and long-lasting health benefits. Mix a serving size of Mega Botanicals with water or whole juice, and serve it in the morning or send a single-serve packet in their backpack to shake into a bottle of water as a mid-afternoon pick-me-up.
* Dynamite’s suggested usage is easily adjusted to children of all ages however we recommend you check with your pediatrician on amounts.
*The statements made on this page were given freely and are the sole opinions of the author. We always caution that one person’s experience is not a guarantee of results. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any disease. Dynamite Specialty Products takes a firm stance that our products always be used in accordance with the opinions and expertise of your trusted health care professional, doctor and/or veterinarian.
To order Dynamite products, please honor our system by contacting your individual Dynamite distributor who is trained to provide personalized assistance to address the unique needs of your animals. Don’t have a distributor? Call our customer service team at 800-697-7434.